About Us

August 16, 2020

As the focus of Nigerian's, majorly  the youths has gradually deviated from physical businesses over the years having discovered the yet untapped gold-mine of wealth that the internet possesses and venturing into various online businesses to make earns meet. 

Fraudsters have observed this phenomenon and over the years have so far introduced negativities; 'SCAMS' into the system; making it difficult to differentiate between licit and illicit online businesses, preying on the minds of not too observant & careless youths; money is lost and these criminals get away with it. This has to this day fixed the words; "All online businesses are scams" on the lips of almost every Nigerian youth.

Licitbizinfo is here to guide you; dedicating time and money into ceaseless back and forth surfs through the internet to filter out illicit from licit online businesses there is. Thorough and in-depth researches is what we do to bring you due information on which of these online business are safe to venture into and to let you know which aren't.

Licitbizinfo hopes for a long term relationship with you as you put your trust in us.

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